Florida Supercon Demo 2024

Best Parking location

X on the map marks the best spot to park for the event. If this is full, the following list of parking spaces around the convention center available:

1909 Meridian Avenue

581 17 Street

1661 Pennsylvania Avenue

640 17 Street

1735 Meridian Avenue

1662 Meridian Avenue

1550 Collins Avenue

SCA Supercon Demo -FAQ


1.   Parking? Please visit this site for recommendations:


2.   Admission Fees? None are required.  Admission badges will be given upon arrival.

3.   If you leave your belongings overnight, it will be safely stored under the demo tables.

4.   The demo space: The space is 40x60 and is surrounded by 3ft pipe and drape, but the crowd should be seated/standing inside the space since we cannot block the aisles. There should be plenty of space to make a line people need to be behind.

5.   Tables and chairs are provided by the venue.  Southkeep will bring the promotional materials.

Our Booth - Level Two

The Tavern - Grand Ballroom C

Our SCA Booth is next to the Tavern Interactive Space


Friday 7/12

The Tavern Interactive: Ball room C

12:00pm – 1:00pm – SCA Medieval Armored Combat and Rapier Combat Demo


The Tavern Stage (good for musical performances or acts)

2:00pm – 3:00pm Bard: Guillermo de Cervantes (2 to 230); Marie de Leon (230 to 3PM)


The Tavern Workshops

5:00pm – 6:00pm – SCA Arts and Crafts


6:15 to 7:15 Viscious Vendetta


Saturday 7/13

The Tavern Interactive: Ball room C

12:00pm – 1:00pm – SCA Medieval Armored Combat and Rapier Combat Demo


3:00pm – 4:00pm - Renaissance Dance - Come Join the Dances of History


415 – 4:45pm   Guillermo de Cervantes (415 to 430); Marie de Leon (430 to 445)



Sunday 7/14

The Tavern Interactive: Ball room C

12:00pm – 1:00pm – SCA Medieval Armored Combat and Rapier Combat Demo

The Tavern Stage

1:30 to 2PM - The Viking King of Trimaris holds a Royal Court! 

The Tavern Interactive: Ball room C

3:45pm – 4:45pm  Bard: Guillermo de Cervantes (345 to 4); Marie de Leon (4 to 415)


415 to 5pm - Renaissance Dance - Come Join the Dances of History