Klassen (Classes)
(tentative and constantly being updated)
Beading 101 - Lady Margarita di Rossi
Basic knowledge of beading as embellishment (and how to know loose your bling).
Cover Thy Head! - Baroness Sara Sala di Paruta
Basic Draping of a Cote/Jacket - Baroness Sara Sala di Paruta
Cover thy head and draping are basically demos. Anyone who wants to try their hand at draping should bring about 2 yards of non-stretch woven, all the pins, and a sharpie.
Take-Home Soap - Countess Ennelynne von Hessen
(Limit 4 people; over 15 years old - $20 cost for each, please bring rubber gloves and eye protection if you have it)
Beginner intro to modern soap making with Period origin handout.
Weave Me Pretties - Duchess Sibilla Daine
Beginning weaving - how to warp the loom and weave a basic trim.
Throw Another Flatbread on the Fire - HL Enise bint Oghuz
($5 materials fee; class limit of five active participants; no costs or limit if you're just watching)
As yummy as it sounds - sorry all - gluten overload to come.
Make, bake, and enjoy flatbreads from three different cultures. Carbs don't count if you're at an event!
Brew a Bier or Make a Meade - Red Elder (May become liquid at the end of class - we will see...)
Because you don't brew mead, and you don't make beer.
Speer & Dolch (Spear & Dagger) - Count Daniel von Hessen
Spear and Dagger - Killing at a distance & up close and personal.
Cutting Arrows (from the Skye) - Jarl Ari Tyrbrandr
How to not hate combat archers quite as much, or at least to not bad mouth them as often.