

The Seneschal is the executive officer and legal representative of the Shire, and is responsible for coordinating all activities and officers within the local Chapter. The Seneschal is responsible for the Shire on behalf of the Crown of Trimaris, and reports to the Kingdom Seneschal.

Lady Sabine de Saintes

MKA: Sabine  

 Arts & Sciences 

The Minister of Arts and Sciences helps guide our members with the study of period culture and producing historically accurate artifacts and performances by encouraging and helping local members with the dissemination of accurate information and representation of history.

Lord Guillermo de Cervantes

MKA: Richard 


The Chatelaine's job is to aid and educate any visitors or new people interested in the SCA. They maintain the Shire’s loaner garb (also known as the “gold key”) and table settings for feast. To help ease people into the SCA, the Chatelaine usually teaches a “Newcomers” class at each event or gives an overview of the SCA and our local Shire activities.

Lady/Lord (Available)



The Exchequer is the financial officer of the Shire, also known as the Treasurer. The duties of the office include handling the finances of the local branch.

Lady Catalina Damiana Flores de la Montaña

MKA: Camila 


The Herald’s office provides armorial consulting services to the local members to assist in their selection of appropriate names and the design of appropriate devices and badges. Our herald provides support for all heraldic activities at both local and non-local events.

Lady / Lord (Available)



The Chronicler, following acceptable and legal practices, records our monthly minutes which are available on our facebook group page and maintains the Shire library.

Lady / Lord (Available)


 Heavy Weapons Marshall

Our Heavy Weapons Marshall officers are tasked with organizing and supervising the safe, rule-abiding practice of heavy combat and armor-making workshops. They work with our Kingdom’s Heavy Weapons Marshall to help people to safely authorize to participate in heavy fighting. In addition, our Knight Marshall is responsible for all marshalling activity within the Shire.

(HL) Señora Doña Isabel Margarita de Sotomayor y Perez de Gerena

MKA: Norma

Rapier Marshall

Our Rapier Marshall officer is tasked with teaching, organizing and supervising the safe, rule-abiding practice of rapier combat. He also helps getting new fighters authorized to safely participate in rapier combat.

(HL) Don Agustín de León

MKA: Sergio


Our Ranger (Target Archery Marshall officer) is in charge of helping potential and current archers get and stay up-to-date on safety equipment and regulations. He is in charge of organizing and supervising the safe and rule-abiding practice of target archery.

(HL) Cian Mac Cullough

MKA: Tim


The Youth Minister is tasked to provide safe, fun, and educational activities during scheduled and structured sessions at Shire events, meetings, and/or other SCA functions. Youth Officers are not daycare workers, but instead are coordinators or teachers who offer age-appropriate means for learning and involvement within the scope of the SCA.

Lady / Lord (Available)



The Web Minister is responsible for maintaining and publishing information on the Southkeep web site. This includes general information about Southkeep, contact information for the officers, information about and the location of events, and announcements.

MKA: Jen

Special thanks go to our original web designer, who created the previous website, along with many of the elements still used in the current site.

David Hoffman - Kingdom Webminister Extraordinaire who is awesome and rocks so many different socks. ^_____________________^

Ash – Web Designer 


Also many thanks to our previous Webminster who provided so beautiful website for us. 

Edward Mandeville - Previous Webminster


 Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the appropriate officers, or send a general message via the form on our main Contact Us page.