The Shire of Southkeep

Welcome to the Shire of Southkeep!

The Shire of Southkeep is part of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (better known as the SCA) and is located in the Kingdom of Trimaris (The Florida peninsula). The Shire of Southkeep is located in South Florida and includes Unincorporated Miami-Dade, Homestead, Miami-Dade County and Monroe County (Florida Keys). 

Our members attempt to recreate all aspects of medieval life from weaving and pottery to wine making and armored combat to beekeeping and falconry. Indeed, if there was an activity or craft in which people of the world endeavored during the early and late period of the European Middle Ages, it is very likely that one of our populace can tell you exactly how it was done and graciously show you examples of their own humble work.

The SCA is an international non-profit educational organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our “Known World” consists of 20 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. Members, dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, attend events which feature tournaments, royal courts, feasts, dancing, various classes & workshops, and much more.

We are a very open and welcoming group so do not be shy if you attend one of our events, meetings or practices, to ask what we are doing or about. There is always some gentle more than willing to talk about what they do. So please take a tour through our website, join our Facebook group, find out when and where the next meeting, practice, training session or event will be and come join us.